Results from the international broadcast of WWE Friday Night Smackdown
.We get the voiceover re-capping the events from Elimination Chamber and last Monday’s Raw.Welcome
to Friday Night Smackdown and this week we come to you from Biloxi,
Mississippi and we kick things off with the
introduction of World
Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Rio. Del Rio says last Sunday at the
Elimination PPV he retained his World Heavyweight Championship which
means he is going to Wrestlemania and also found out who his opponent
will be that night. He’s talking about the winner of the Elimination
Chamber match. Jack Swagger. Del Rio says Swagger has a new mission, a
new friend and a new attitude. And this new attitude he believes he is
everything right with America and Del Rio is everything that’s wrong.
Del Rio says he heard Swagger’s State Of The Union address and saw all
the Youtube videos and according to Swagger what is wrong with America
is all the immigrants and Swagger says they are coming in taking job
opportunities from people like him. Del Rio says America was built by
immigrants. Hard working people chasing the American dream. Real people,
hard working people trying to provide for their families with a better
life. That is why America is so great. Del Rio says his championship is a
result of his hard work and the American dream and if Swagger claims to
be a real American, for Del Rio, Swagger is a real jackass and for
himself and immigrants who want handouts calls Swagger out so he can lay
his handout all across Swagger’s face. Randy Orton then comes out. The
crowd launches into a “Randy” chant and Orton says he is going to do his
absolute best to stay calm, cool and collected but something was taken
from him. This past Sunday he was close to getting a chance at
reclaiming the World Heavyweight Championship from Del Rio at
Wrestlemania. But that chance and opportunity was taken away from him by
Jack Swagger. Part of him respects Swagger because he would have done
the same thing. But an even bigger part of him wants to take all his
rage and aggression on Jack Swagger tonight. Orton knows it’s Del Rio vs
Swagger at Wrestlemania and asks Del Rio to step aside just for tonight
because Swagger is his and if he and Del Rio have to fight over it, so
be it. Booker T comes out and says that’s not quite the way he sees
Smackdown going tonight. He had other plans and his plans are this.
Champion vs Champion. Alberto Del Rio, The World Heavyweight Champion vs
The Intercontinental Champion, Wade Barrett. And as far as Jack Swagger
goes, he will be going one on one with The Viper, Randy Orton.
Backstage: Sheamus is making his way out to the ring.
Sheamus vs Damien Sandow
punches Sheamus and Sheamus unloads on Sandow with kicks and punches of
his own. Sandow fighting his way out of the corner. Sheamus with a
single leg takedown and follows up with a short arm clothesline.
Headbutt by Sandow. Hiptoss blocked by Sheamus who levels Sandow with
another clothesline. Sheamus with a third clothesline sending Sandow
over the ropes to the floor. Sheamus throwing Sandow into the barricade.
Sheamus throws Sandow back into the ring and launches himself from the
apron with a springboard tackle. Sandow with a clothesline of his own.
Kneelift by Sandow. Sheamus with an overhead throw onto the apron pulls
Sandow up and delivers The Fiery Red Hand. Suplex by Sheamus but Sandow
pulls away and slides out to the floor to re-group.Back
in the ring, Sandow with a chinlock on Sheamus. Side Russian legsweep
by Sandow follows up with The Elbow Of Disdain. Neckbreaker by Sandow.
Sheamus fighting back but Sandow with a kick and a clothesline. Sandow
to the outside and an elbow to Sheamus. Back in, Sheamus in the corner
trying to fight his way out. Sandow back to the chinlock. Sheamus
breaks the hold by delivering a headbutt. Sandow with the drop toehold
into the ropes. Sandow off the ropes with a leg to the back of the neck.
Sheamus with the irish whip and tackle into the corner. Kneelift and
series of axehandles by Sheamus to Sandow. Sandow gets the boots up.
Sheamus for the powerslam countered by Sandow. Sandow with the flashback
on Sheamus. Knee strikes to Sheamus and Sandow going for the Terminus
but Sheamus countering with a series of headbutts. Sheamus picks Sandow
up for White Noise. Sheamus misses with the Brogue Kick. Dropkick to
Sheamus. Sheamus delivers White Noise. Sheamus connects with The Brogue
Kick for the three count
The winner of the match: Sheamus
We go to footage from Monday with the announcement that Wrestlemania 30 will come to New Orleans on April 6,2014
get footage from Sunday’s Elimination Chamber and the six man tag match
and The Shield’s victory over John Cena, Sheamus & Ryback.
Kaitlyn & Layla vs Aksana & Tamina
and Aksana start out and they have a dance off. Layla kicks Aksana, Tag
to Kaitlyn and Kaitlyn off the ropes with a flying forearm. Chinlock on
Aksana but Tamina with the distraction allowing Aksana to hit Kaitlyn
from behind sending her to the outside. Tamina with a clothesline to
Kaitlyn. Side slam by Aksana to Kaitlyn and hard irish whip into the
corner. Slap to Kaitlyn and Kaitlyn with a slap of her own. Aksana
shoves her down and stomps on her. Headscissors by Aksana. Aksana off
the ropes misses with a splash. Face plant and clothesline by Layla to
Tamina. Dropkick by Layla. Layla to the top rope hits the L.O.L.,
Tamina rolls through. Tamina picks Layla up on her shoulder setting up
for the Samoan Drop, Layla makes the tag, Kaitlyn in hits the spear on
Tamina for the three count
The winners of the match: Layla & Kaitlyn
We get The Raw Rebound with Rock’s Championship Celebration from Monday Night
Backstage: Zeb
Colter and Jack Swagger are making their way to the ring and Wade
Barrett walks in and says he’s not one to give out compliments but it’s
about time someone spoke the truth about what’s going on in this country
and he’s relishing the prospect of doling out some real punishment to
one of the main perpetrators this evening. Zeb then says there appears
to be a misunderstanding. Barrett doesn’t talk like him and is not
American and asks where Barrett is from. Barrett says he’s from England
and Zeb says that makes Barrett the same as Del Rio. He’s part of the
problem. He’s taking, he’s stealing a job from an American. Colter then
suggests Barrett and Del Rio beat each other up and then him and
Swagger can send them both back where they came from. Barrett goes to
say something and Swagger cuts him off and says “We The People” and
walks off
Randy Orton vs Jack Swagger
roll up by Swagger and Orton with an uppercut. Orton stomping on
Swagger in the corner and Swagger with a kick of his own. Swagger off
the ropes runs into an elbow. Back suplex by Orton. Swagger punching
away at Orton. Shoulder tackles to Orton in the corner. Orton with a
clothesline. Irish whip reversed by Swagger and another clothesline to
Swagger. Uppercut by Orton. Snapmare into a chinlock by Orton. Swagger
with a back suplex to Orton. Series of elbow drops by Swagger. Swagger
off the ropes hits a shoulderblock to Orton. Another shoulderblock sends
Orton to the mat. Roll up by Orton. Orton with a dropkick and Orton
with the Orton Stomp on Swagger. Kneedrop on Swagger. Swagger to the
outside pulls Orton out under the bottom rope ramming the leg into the
ring post. Swagger looking to lock in the Patriot Act and Orton kicks
Swagger away. Orton to the outside with the Thesz Press onto Swagger.
Clothesline to Swagger.A slugfest between
the real American and the viper. Irish whip and Orton sends Swagger over
the ropes to the apron. Orton looking for the DDT. Swagger sends Orton
to the floor. Orton lands on his feet and pulls Swagger’s legs out from
under him. The slugfest continues on the outside and Swagger whips Orton
shoulder first into the ring steps. Swagger with knees to the
midsection and an overhead suplex by Swagger. Swagger with a splash in
the corner. Submission hold on Orton. Orton sends Swagger to the outside
with a backdrop. Swagger dropped back first on the barricade. Swagger
dives and takes Orton’s leg out. Swagger with the Swagger Bomb. Suplex
blocked by Orton and Orton with a suplex of his own to Swagger. Swagger
charges and hits the ring post shoulder first. A series of clotheslines
by Orton. Orton hits the powerslam. Orton runs into an elbow. Swagger
misses with a clothesline, counters the backbreaker and hits a kneelift
to Orton. Swagger misses with the Swagger Bomb. Orton hits the
backbreaker. Orton pulls Swagger through the middle rope and hits the
DDT. Swagger to the outside, a thumb to the eye and neck snap off the
rope as Orton falls backwards. Swagger slides back in and rolls Orton up
for the three count
The winner of the match: Jack Swagger
travel back in time to a few Raws ago with Brock Lesnar delivering the
F5 to Vince McMahon. Followed by this past Monday’s Raw where McMahon
appeared on the TitanTron and told Heyman he will be at Raw next week
and he and Heyman are going to have a fight.
Miz vs Cody Rhodes
by Miz and Rhodes shakes him off. Elbow by Miz. Miz backdropped lands n
the apron. Shoulder tackle to Rhodes. Miz to the top rope and Rhodes
slams Miz’ arm on the ringpost. Rhodes with a stomp on the injured
shoulder and Rhodes going to work on the arm. Elbows by Miz. Rhodes with
the irish whip runs into an elbow from the Miz. Kicks to the injured
shoulder by Rhodes and a dropkick to Miz. Irish whip by Rhodes, Miz with
a sunset flip and Rhodes rolls through and connects with a knee to the
temple. Back suplex countered by Miz. Rhodes misses with the clothesline
and Miz hits a big boot to Rhodes. Rhodes looking for the Alabama
Slam,Miz counters locks in the figure four for the tap out.
The winner of the match by submission: The Miz
Alberto Del Rio vs Wade Barrett
lock by Del Rio countered by Barrett. Barrett with a wristlock of his
own and Del Rio with a kick to the leg follows with a hiptoss. Elbow to
the back of the neck by Barrett and body shots in the corner. Del Rio
kicks away at Barrett. Snapmare by Del Rio and a kick to the back.
Barrett slides out of the ring, Rodriguez laughing at Barrett and
Barrett chases him around the ring but Del Rio cuts him off with a kick.
whip by Barrett and Del Rio connects with an elbow. Del Rio goes to the
top rope but Barrett pushes him off sending Del Rio to the floor.
Barrett bounces Del Rio’s head off the ring steps and whips Del Rio
across the ring sending Del Rio shoulder first into the opposite ring
steps. Side headlock by Barrett. Del Rio with a headbutt. Del Rio misses
with a clothesline and Barrett lands a kick to Del Rio. Barrett with
the pumphandle slam. Barrett pulls Del Rio through the ropes landing
knee strikes and following up with the big boot sending Del Rio to the
floor. Series of elbow drops by Barrett. Chinlock on Del Rio. Barrett
with the irish whip and Del Rio hits an elbow. Dropkick from the top
rope by Del Rio. Barrett misses with a clothesline and Del Rio hits his
own series of clotheslines. Tilt o whirl backbreaker by Del Rio to
Barrett. Del Rio with a kick to the temple. Del Rio looking for the
enziguri but Barrett counters and hits the Winds Of Change. Barrett
looking for the Wasteland but Del Rio counters. Backstabber by Del Rio.
Del Rio looking for the cross armbreaker but Swagger and Zeb make their
way down the ramp to the ring. Roll up by Barrett and a big boot to Del
Rio. Barrett setting up for the Bull Hammer but Del Rio counters with
the cross armbreaker for the tap out
The winner of the match by submission: Alberto Del Rio