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Monday, 28 January 2013

Raw » Result » Brock Lesnar Returns & John Cena's WrestleMania 29 Challenge Declared Jan.28,2013

Welcome to WWE Monday Night Raw and tonight we are in Las Vegas and it’s all about Raw Roulette. We see highlights from last night’s Royal Rumble.Brock Lesnar Returns & John Cena's WrestleMania 29 Challenge Declared

Vickie welcomes us to Raw Roulette and introduces three wheels. The wheel of superstars, the wheel of stipulations and the wheel of Vickie challenge. Vickie spins the wheel for the first match featuring Antonio Cesaro vs Randy Orton and it will be a special guest referee match.
 CM Punk makes his way out to the ring and says this is day 435 of the historic championship reign of the modern era. He did not lose, he beat the Rock and retained his championship and says he is The Real People’s Champion. Nobody else. Punk then calls the people cheaters just like Vince McMahon and The Rock. 434 days he was champion and didn’t need anyone’s help, he didn’t need any restarts and Vince McMahon screwed him worse then Bret Hart in Montreal and calls last night the Phoenix Screwjob. Punk says in his world you don’t get re-starts you don’t get water breaks and he is here to crash the people’s party. Vince McMahon comes out and Punk calls McMahon a thief, a cheater and a flesh peddling promoter. McMahon says he is going to produce a video which will prove Punk was complicent in a scheme with Paul Heyman involving The Shield and cuts Heyman off and says he and Heyman will have a chat a little later in the ring involving this video footage that could result in Heyman’s termination

Randy Orton vs Antonio Cesaro – Special Guest Referee: The Miz
Orton with the quick cover. Suplex by Orton. Uppercut and punches by Cesaro. Irish whip reversed by Cesaro and Orton comes out of the corner with a clothesline. Snapmare by Orton. Back suplex to Cesaro. Orton and Cesaro trading punches on the outside and Cesaro dropped on the middle of the back off the barricade by Orton. Cesaro sent back in the ring and an uppercut by Orton. Orton has Cesaro in the ropes stomping away and slingshot off the bottom rope. Cesaro with an uppercut and now both men exchanging uppercuts as Cesaro gets the upperhand. Back bodydrop over the top to the floor by Orton and a clothesline floors Cesaro.

Cesaro turning the match in his favour. Cesaro to the top rope pulling Orton up and Orton cuts Cesaro off. Headbutt by Cesaro and catches Orton on the top turnbuckle sending him to the floor.  Neck lock on Orton and Orton fighting back. Slam by Cesaro. The double stomp by Cesaro and Orton picked up and Cesaro delivers the gutwrench. Chinlock on Orton. Orton avoids the slam, lands a clothesline, hits the powerslam and Orton whips Cesaro into the corner. Orton runs into a knee and Cesaro with the flying uppercut from the second rope. Cesaro arguing with Miz and Orton hits the backbreaker.Orton hooks Cesaro up but Cesaro with a thumb to the eye and unloading on Orton but Miz pulls him off and Cesaro gets in Miz’s face. Orton from behind with the RKO for the three count

The winner of the match: Randy Orton

Post Match: Miz helps Cesaro to his feet and delivers the SCF

Backstage: Vickie is with Ryback and Ryback spins the Vickie’s Challenge wheel and it lands on ‘Make Me Laugh’

Make Me Laugh Challenge:
The Prime Time Players and Ryback are in the ring and the rules are the superstars are going to tell jokes and whoever makes the crowd laugh wins. Ryback then attacks Darren Young but Titus O’Neil fights back until Ryback hits a spinebuster and delivers Shell Shock and Matt Striker announces Ryback as the winner of the Make Me Laugh Challenge. Ryback then delivers Shell Shock to Striker.
The second inductee into the 2013 WWE Hall Of Fame and it is former WWF Champion Bob Backlund.

Backstage: Vickie spins the wheel and it lands on Player’s Choice which means Wade Barrett gets to choose his opponent

Wade Barrett vs Bo Dallas
Barrett unloading on Dallas, goes for the Bull Hammer but Dallas ducks and hits armdrags and dropkicks to Barrett. Kick by Barrett and Barrett pulls Dallas through the ropes and lands the big boot sending him to the apron. Barrett setting up for The Bull Hammer but Dallas catches him with the powerslam for the three count

The winner of the match: Bo Dallas

Backstage: Cody Rhodes spins the Superstar Wheel and it lands on John Cena

Cody Rhodes vs John Cena
Side headlock by Rhodes and hiptoss by Cena follows it up with a dropkick. Rhodes with a kick. Cena with the fisherman suplex and Rhodes to the outside taking a breather. Rhodes grabs the mic and says this is a waste of time and leaves but Cena brings him back in and hits the shoulder tackle, front slam and five knuckle shuffle. Cena picks Rhodes up and delivers the AA for the three count

The winner of the match: John Cena

 John Cena's WrestleMania 29 Challenge Declared :
The winner of the 2013 WWE Royal Rumble John Cena declared on tonight’s Raw from Las Vegas that he will challenge the WWE Champion at WrestleMania 29.
The Rock or CM Punk will be his opponent depending on who comes out victorious in their rematch at the Elimination Chamber pay-per-view.

Post Match: Cena takes the mic and says the way it sounds some people didn’t pick him to win and any 29 superstar can come down and tell them how they should have won but there’s one man standing in the ring that can say he won the Royal Rumble. Tossing Ryback over the top rope was an enormous step but that was the first one. The next step is choosing which champion to face at Wrestlemania and this is his most difficult step. The choice for him becomes difficult because World Championship aside the man holding the championship going into Wrestlemania will be CM Punk or The Rock. Punk’s been impossible for Cena to beat and a true champion always finds a way to win and the past 6 times he has done just that. Then, there’s The Rock. A man who he openly spoke about even before he returned because when he returned he wanted to make sure he made that challenge and for one year Cena opened up to the people and told them how he had to win that match and for one year he jousted with The Rock. Everything seemed perfect until April 1, Wrestlemania 28. His once in a lifetime moment stolen. Everyone remembers who won and who lost. Cena lost and Rock won. So,does he choose the World Heavyweight Champion? Or one of the WWE Champion and he is not going to wait and announces his decision right now. Rock says on April 7, 2013 at MetLife Stadium and Wrestlemania 29 he is challenging the WWE Champion and says both Punk and Rock are now marked men. The Shield then interrupt. And the numbers game catches up as it’s a three on one attack on Cena by The Shield. Sheamus then runs out but the numbers game catches up to. Ryback then runs down and tosses Ambrose and Rollinsout of the ring and it’s Reigns and Ryback but Rollins and Ambrose hold onto the ankles and throw Ryback into the steel steps and toss Sheamus into the ringpost. Cena makes a short comeback but The Shield back on the attack and they deliver the Triple Powerbomb.

Backstage: Vickie spins the wheel for Tensai’s match and it lands on Lingerie Pillow Fight so Tensai says no and she has Brodus Clay spin the Vickie Challenge and it lands on Dance Off so it will be Brodus Clay vs Tensai in a Dance Off

Brodus Clay vs Tensai - Dance Off
Tensai is in the ring and takes his robe off and is dressed in lingerie and Jerry Lawler informs him this is no longer a Lingerie Pillow Fight but a Dance Off and Clay was supposed to inform him. Clay and The Funkadactyls take their turn first and Tensai is up next and reluctant at first and Lawler tells him this is Vegas and what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Ron Simmons is looking on from the back and says “Damn!”
Backstage: Alberto Del Rio spins the wheel and it lands on Body Slam Challenge. Del Rio then tells Vickie they are in Vegas and in Vegas anything can happen

Alberto Del Rio vs Big Show – Body Slam Challenge
Show swats Rodriguez away and goes after Del Rio and hits the KO Punch. Show drags Del Rio to the ropes and duct tapes his wrist to the ropes. Show tosses Rodriguez across the ring and hits a chest slap and beats Rodriguez down. Show then delivers a KO Punch to Rodriguez. Show kicks Del Rio and delivers a headbutt.

Kaitlyn vs Tamina
Tamina with a kick and a front slam. Headbutt to Kaitlyn and a chinlock by Tamina. Kaitlyn thrown to  the outside. Kaitlyn using the headdress on  Tamina and she places it on Tamina and lands a kick to the face and all the lumberjills get in the ring and it’s an all out brawl as Tamina looks on from the apron

No winner

Rock comes out and says only one word can describe the spirit of tonight. One word that symbolizes the entire journey and that word is finally. Rock says finally he’s come back to Las Vegas and finally he’s WWE Champion and says there’s no accolade on this earth more deeply engraved in his blood than the WWE Championship and from 1998-2003 he’s had the honour of winning 7 WWE Championships and after 10 long years this is the most proudest moment of his career. He’s thanked his friends and family and wants to thank the people. For 434 days CM Punk has come out and said the people are nothing and don’t count and Rock is here to say those crap days are over. No more CM Punk coming out with Paul Heyman. Tonight, they usher in a new era, tonight they usher in the People’s Era and they’re going to celebrate and party in Las Vegas. Punk then comes out and tells everyone to shut up. Punk says for 434 days he made the title special and now Rock’s going to trash it and says he didn’t win it. It was handed to him and if Rock was a man and had any respect for himself and family. He’d walk up and hand the title to Punk and say he did not earn it, he stole It and apologize for tarnishing what Punk made so great. Rock challenges Punk to come down and take it from him or stand at the top of the stage like a punk ass bitch. Punk says he’s going to stand on the stage like a punk ass bitch because it’s cool to swear and does things on his terms and grants Rock a rematch on Friday in Chattanooga or Montgomery on Saturday or in 3 weeks, He’s granting Rock HIS rematch. Rock says the only thing Punk’s going to be taking in 3 weeks is the ass kicking of a lifetime

Sheamus vs Damian Sandow - Tables Match
Armbar on Sandow and Sandow to the floor and back in the ring. Single leg takedown by Sheamus . Hiptoss blocked by Sheamus. Sandow ducks the clothesline and Sheamus to the outside using the steel ringsteps as weapon. Sheamus pulls out a table and looks to slam Sandow but Sandow slides back in and out the other side. Dropkick by Sandow and now Sandow pulls out a table. Sheamus grabs the table and throws it at Sandow sliding it into the ring. The injured shoulder brought down with Sheamus on the table. Sandow unloading on Sheamus working over the injured arm dropping the knee. The table propped in the corner. Sheamus misses with the Brogue Kick. Springboard battering ram from the apron by Sheamus. The Fiery Red Hand by Sheamus. Sandow with the side Russian Legsweep and Elbow Of Disdain. Sandow sets up the table and uses the side as a weapon.  Sandow lays Sheamus on the table going up to the top rope but Sheamus cuts him off. Fiery Red Hand once more. Suplex blocked by Sandow. Sheamus it’s the White Noise through the table for the win

The winner of the match: Sheamus

Zack Ryder vs Great Khali – Karaoke
Khali is up first and Khali has to sing Shawn Michaels’ theme. 3MB then come out and Slater laughs. McIntyre says you call this music and Mahal says they know music, Khali and Ryder are just embarrassments. Slater says they’re the rock stars of the WWE and McIntyre plays his air guitar. Khali knocks McIntyre down. Ryder hits the Rough Ryder on Mahal and Khali delivers a chop to Slater and Hornswoggle follows with the tadpole splash

Chris Jericho comes out to a huge ovation and welcomes everyon to Raw Is Jericho and it is great to be back in the WWE. He says he was only gone for 6 months but it felt like six years and last night when he was the surprise entrant it was one of the greatest nights of his career and thanks all the Jerichoholics for making him feel so at home. Dolph Ziggler then comes out and says he’s glad Jericho had so much fun last night before Ziggler eliminated him and asks what he’s doing here he doesn’t work here anymore and reminds Jericho about last year. AJ then takes credit for making Jericho put his career on the line. Langston then tells Jericho to leave before he ruins Jericho’s return. Vickie then appears on the titantron and says she’s the one who signed Chris Jericho to a contract and spins the wheel and it lands on Strange Bedfellows and Ziggler and Jericho will team up to face Team Hell No

Chris Jericho & Dolph Ziggler vs Team Hell No
Side headlock by Ziggler on Bryan. Bodyslam by Ziggler and an elbow drop. Bryan with the No Kicks but Ziggler with a kick. Jericho with a kick to Kane and an elbow to Bryan. Jericho misses with the Lionsault looks for the Walls but Bryan kicks him away, Kane and Bryan then argue and shove each other. Jericho slaps Kane in the back and tags in Ziggler. Kane with the chokeslam for the three count

The winners of the match: Team Hell No

The third inductee into the 2013 WWE Hall Of Fame is announced and it is the 7 time  WWE Women’s Champion, Trish Stratus

Vince McMahon says everyone knows he loves to have fun and everybody loves to have fun and calls out Paul Heyman suggesting if he’s looking for CM Punk, Punk was escorted out of the building and says they don’t have all night. Heyman extends his hand and asks Heyman to hold the mic while he disinfects his hands. McMahon then asks if he has or ever has had The Shield or Brad Maddox under contract. Heyman thanks McMahon for the opportunity to come out, look McMahon in the eye and settle this once and for all and says no he has never had anything to do with Brad Maddox nor The Shield. McMahon then asks if Heyman has ever lied in his life and Heyman says a long time ago he heard McMahon’s father say adversity defines a man’s character in the darkest hour. Heyman says he has lied every single day of his life because he is a promoter and that’s what promoters do and he does not regret a single lie in order to survive but swears to McMahon that he is not lying now. Heyman says he’s trying to be an honourable man and is willing to learn from McMahon. He says he wants to be here and if being an honourable man is what it takes then that’s what he’ll be. McMahon asks the crowd if they think he’s an honourable man. McMahon rolls the footage.  The crowd starts chanting “You Got Busted”.  McMahon reminds Heyman this is a personal performance review and Heyman says that wasn’t him.  Heyman says McMahon knows what it’s like to be falsely accused. Heyman says he has a thick New York Jewish accent and is easy to impersonate and calls that video a poor impersonation and it’s a set up because of jealousy over his success with ECW and his success with CM Punk. McMahon then asks if Heyman is lying and deserves to be fired. McMahon is just about to fire Heyman when Brock Lesnar comes out. Lesnar then stands face to face with McMahon and McMahon says if he were Lesnar he wouldn’t do something he’d regret later on. Lesnar picks Vince up and hits an F5 as Raw goes off the air

 Brock Lesnar Returns:
On tonight's episode of WWE Monday Night Raw, Brock Lesnar returned to WWE once again during the closing segment involving Lesnar's manager Paul Heyman and WWE Chairman & CEO Mr. Vince McMahon. Lesnar entered in the ring and proceeded to deliver his F-5 finishing maneuver to the WWE Chairman.
Presumably this will be the start of the renewed storyline between Lesnar and Triple H, as the two are expected to have a SummerSlam rematch at WrestleMania.

☀ WWE Blaze Entertainment ☀

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